
Blue Collar Workforce Assessments

Blue collar Recruitment Test

Blue-collar workforce assessments

Our employability skills assessment tools have been helpful to several large and medium scale organisations in identifying and recruiting efficient blue-collar workforce. Our psychometric test focusses on assessment of employability skills of ITIs, DETs, and other roles in the service sector organistations.

The tool assesses clusters of skills

  • Cognitive skills - Core skills the brain uses to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention. With the increasing level of automation, it becomes imperative to ensure that the skilled workforce have extremely high levels of cognitive skills.
  • Social and Behavioural Skills - Important elements for effective team work, sustainability and adaptability, stress management, independence.
  • Integrity - Helps in predicting negative behaviour, theft, deviance from norms and rules. Helps in predicting faking behaviour.
  • Technical Skills - Helps in understanding technical ability to work on the shop floor.
