
Preventing HR Burnout: Building Resilience and Setting Boundaries

In the ever-evolving landscape of Human Resources (HR), professionals face a multitude of challenges ranging from recruitment and talent.......

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Understanding HR Burnout: The Impact of Employee Attrition and Turnover

In the dynamic and evolving landscape of Human Resources (HR), burnout has emerged as a critical concern affecting professionals and organizational.......

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The Impact of a Growth Mindset on Employee Engagement and Retention

In today's rapidly evolving workplace, employee engagement and retention have become extremely important for organizations.......

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Types of Behavioral assessments and how it helps in the recruitment process?

Behavioral assessments are pre-employment recruitment tools to gauge a candidate's potential. Hiringis a tedious process, and it is naïve on a recruiter's ......

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How psychometric assessment can benefit recruitment consultant companies

Recruitment consultants are external agencies that look for the right candidates for various organizations. Recruitment is a huge responsibility therefore if the ......

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Why Integrity is an important driving factor in the success of an organisation?

Raj, who was working on a database project at a prestigious firm, keeps receiving an error code that puts him in a poor state of mind. As the deadline approached, his ......

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5 Things to look for when choosing a Psychometric Assessment

To begin with: What is a psychometric assessment? From a scientific angle, they are used to measure an individual’s mental capabilities, their personality and their behaviours......

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How to hire Candidates using Psychometric Testing?

At the outset Psychometric testing seems like an enormous word, but it basically refers to the measurement of the mind. Unlike facets like education, skills, experience, appearance and punctuality, the behavioral traits and personality of a candidate can be often much more difficult to assess during an interview.....

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Why do Companies use Mental Ability test?

Innovative thinking may be a prerequisite for various jobs. Having diverse teams with employees who exhibit high IQ and “out-of-the-box” thinking skills - that are imperative for an organization’s success within the competitive business world. We have often seen that these innovative thinkers are the ones.....

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What is the process for performance appraisal?

Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating and documenting an employee’s performance with a perspective to enhance work quality, output, and efficiency.....

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Top 7 Psychometric Test providers in India

The word psychometric basically means the measurement of the psychological attributes. These attributes could be cognitive skills, aptitude, ability, personality, or interest. What companies look for in psychometric tests is a comprehensive understanding of an individual’s personality, skills, and abilities.....

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7 Life Altering Skills Industry Will Demand During COVID19

As with any major upheaval and change, there will inevitably be a period of realignment and transition. Where the pandemic is different is that once it abates and life begins to return to normal, we can expect some form of reset. Psychometric testing tools will.....

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How can Positive Psychology help in training and development at work?

Companies that have with training and development exercises using positive psychology have largely found the initial time investment well worth the cost. Employees are typically happier when they feel valued and revered, and this usually translates into profits....

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11 Benefits of Psychometric Assessments

Psychometric assessment is more accurate and appropriate in comparison to the results of only interviews or other methods such as reference checks....

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What are Employee Wellness Programs and their benefits?

Employees are invaluable assets of any organization and ensuring their excellent mental and physical health sets them up to perform well. we at 9 Links have been emphasizing for employee’s wellbeing rather than employee performance....

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Why do organisations require employee engagement activities?

According to Forbes, employee engagement is an emotional commitment the employee has to his organization and its goals. Basically, employee engagement is in what proportion...

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How Organizations can help destress their employees during COVID-19?

Stress is a fact of everyday life. People are more stressed when something unknown comes into their life, we can say fear of the unknown engulfs. These days we are talking...

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Adaptability is the key

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is one of that is most adaptable to change” Charles Darwin. One of the top soft skills required for...

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Assessment Centres for Screening and Development of Skill: A Critical Analysis

Assessment centres have been used globally for more than 50 years now. The purposes of using assessment centres ranges for external selection, internal promotion, rewarding exemplary work to...

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Gamification in HR

Nowadays, most businesses and brands are using gamification to drive greater engagement with consumers than ever before, yet most people in HR are just scratching the surface when it comes to applying...

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Pamper the BMI of your Organization

In more than one ways, an organisation can be found analogous to the human body. An organisation like the human body goes through several stages in its lifetime. Like a human body, it’s needless...

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Performance as a function of Cognitive Skills

Cognitive skills being the core skills that we use to think, read, learn, remember, reason, and pay attention, etc. is the new cool of the contemporary professional world. Simultaneously...

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The lesser known truth behind how to make the employees at the radical level stay

There is a major fuss in the organizations these days regarding the major issue of labor turnover. The people...

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Soft skills are the new hard skills

In the 21st Century, soft skills have been established to be a major differentiator for employability and success in life. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation and Stanford Research Center has all ...

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